Vol. 25 No. 1 (2019): METALLA
The article of Terekhova and Zavyalov focuses on the development of medieval ferrous metallurgy in Ryzan Principality (Ancient Rus’). The presented investigation localized a rural metallurgical complex that supported the handicraft production of the Principality.
The contribution of Cucini deals with the metallurgical activities in the Celtic Metalworkers’ District of Mediolanum. For this study, the remains of 23 metallurgical workshops, which were in operation both before and during Romanisation, were investigated.
The contribution of Schorpp, et al. discusses the glass induced metal corrosion on several finds in the collection of the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum. This phenomenon occurs together with humidity and oxygen from the air. Electrolytes that form during glass decay can induce the corrosion.