Vol. 24 No. 1 (2018): METALLA

					View Vol. 24 No. 1 (2018): METALLA

The article of Danielisová, et al. deals with metal objects of the Iron Age oppidum Třísov in the Czech Republic. These objects have been subjected to geochemical analysis, and conclusions regarding the metal supply at this settlement. 

The contribution by Kan-Cipor-Meron, et al. presents the results of the analyses of MBA II daggers from the Levant to discuss the interrelationship of form and alloy and to gain information about technology and the supply of raw materials. 

The contribution of Rothenhöfer, Bode and Hanel shows the convergence of natural science, ancient history and archaeology. The article discusses the analysis and historical context surrounding a special ingot with the inscription metallo Messallini. 

The article of Sabatini and Mödlinger presents and discusses the results of an anonymous survey among archaeometallurgists that explores many aspects of this scientifically and socially diverse field.

Published: 2023-07-26
