Vol. 27 No. 1 (2023): METALLA

					View Vol. 27 No. 1 (2023): METALLA

The contribution of Sikorski, et al. is dealing with extensive prospection work by magnetometer prospection, geoelectric and pedological drillings. The combination of these methods provides a considerable benefit and creates a systematic working basis for future mining archaeologically oriented excavations.

The research of Zavyalov and Terekhova discusses the role of rural blacksmithing in the economic structure of a feudal state. The study is based on metallographic analysis of a large number of iron objects taken from archaeological sites of Ancient Rus’.

The study of Güder and Redford examines 12 knives of the medieval period (13th-14th century AD) from Kinet Höyük in Cilicia one of the most important areas of Anatolia for the history of iron production. The results indicate that besides blades made entirely of steel or wrought iron, there are examples of forge-welding steel to wrought iron in a variety of ways.

The contribution of Desai and Rehren presents two case studies of crucible steel production using iron-rich ceramics from Telangana (India) and iron-poor ceramics from Merv (Turkmenistan). The discussion focuses on the analysis of prills formed in these crucibles to understand the effect of ceramic composition and firing environment on their formation. 

The present work of Tizzoni and Cucini try to answer different questions about a blast furnace painting by Jan Brueghel the Elder (1568-1625). The study is about the painter, the special motive, Flemish paintings of ironworks and the social context of the painting.


Published: 2023-06-30