Els 'exempla' en els sermons de sant Vicent Ferrer: una aproximació etnopoètica
Summary: The exempla were stories reported in sermons with essentially doctrinal functions. They often had a sacred origin: they came from the anecdotes of the Church Fathers, from the lives of saints, from the collections of miracles or directly from the Bible. However, sometimes these stories could also come from the oral tradition. This contribution is an ethnopoetic approach to a specific repertoire of examples from the sermons of St. Vincent Ferrer that correspond to universal motifs, perfectly cataloged and typified in The Types of International Folktales. This adscription not only clarifies the communicative strategies of Vincentian preaching, but also the characteristics of the popular narrative in the early fifteenth century in the Kingdom of Valencia. Keywords: ethnopoetics, Saint Vincent Ferrer, preaching, exempla, folktale, ATU 1, ATU 280A, ATU 763, ATU 985*, ATU 1331.
Copyright (c) 2022 Joan Borja i Sanz
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