Open Journal Systems (OJS) Ruhr University Bochum

Researchers of the Ruhr University Bochum can now publish e-journals and conference proceedings with the open source software Open Journal Systems (OJS).

Bochum University Library enables access to the system and helps to adapt and master the software. The library is also willing to support the entire publication process.

We require that the articles must be freely accessible online (open access). The library administrates the software, sets up new journal titles and secures the permanent availability of the published content and the visibility by providing a digital object identifier (DOI).

Your contact in the University Library:
Kathrin Lucht-Roussel - Tel.: 0234-32-22053
Linda Groß - Tel.: 0234-32-22784
Pia Piontkowitz - Tel.: 0234-32-26274


The following journal titles and conference proceedings have been published with OJS:


  • Philosophy and the Mind Sciences

    Philosophy and the Mind Sciences (PhiMiSci) is a peer-reviewed, not-for-profit, open-access journal that is free for authors and readers. PhiMiSci focuses on the interface between philosophy of mind, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. Articles can be submitted at any time and will be published whenever peer-review and revisions have been completed. In addition to these stand-alone articles, PhiMiSci publishes collections of articles as special issues, compiled by guest editors.

  • Entangled Religions

    Entangled Religions is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal. It deals with encounters between different religious traditions and concomitant processes of transfer in past and present times.

  • IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology

    The IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology is a scholarly journal for timely research papers on symmetric cryptology that seeks to combine the benefits of fast conference turnaround with consistent journal reviewing.

  • IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems

    The IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems is a scholarly journal for timely research papers on cryptographic hardware and security in embedded systems that seeks to combine the benefits of fast conference turnaround with consistent journal reviewing.

  • Zeitschrift für Katalanistik / German Journal for Catalan Studies

    The Zeitschrift für Katalanistik / German Journal for Catalan Studies publishes contributions to the linguistic, literary and cultural studies of the Catalan language area. It was founded in 1988 by Tilbert Dídac Stegmann and has been published annually ever since. The ZfK is edited by Prof. Dr. Roger Friedlein, Dr. Claus D. Pusch, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ingo Radatz and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wild.

  • Journal of Didactics of Philosophy

    The Journal of Didactics of Philosophy (JDPh) is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to research on the teaching and learning of philosophy. Articles may be about any level of education, however the main focus is on high school philosophy. All articles are published in Open Access; there are no fees (Diamant/Platinum OA). We welcome work with a philosophical or normative approach as well as reports of results from empirical qualitative and quantitative research. The journal also publishes reviews of books, textbooks and other educational material of international interest as well as country reports about similarities and differences in teaching philosophy in different countries. It is an aim of the journal to promote the dialogue among researchers and practising teachers across the world.

    The Journal of Didactics is issuing a Call for Papers on the topic "The History of Philosophy and its Significance for Educational Practices", deadline for submissions: 2024 -11-01. Please find more information here.

  • RUB Research School Event Proceedings

    RUB Research School is the campus-wide institution of all faculties for the support of doctoral researchers and postdocs at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Its services include an interdisciplinary qualification program, individual counseling, and a broad internationalization program under the name Research Around the World.

    This Research Around the World program also includes funding opportunities for events and conferences (PR.INT Event). Doctoral researchers can apply for funding for conferences that they organize at RUB. The publications shown here in this series are the result of these conferences. Whether a volume is included in the series is decided by the Executive Board of RUB Research School on the basis of a preliminary review by doctoral researchers and postdocs (see About).

    Doctoral researchers and postdocs who wish to publish edited volumes on this platform without prior conference funding from RUB Research School can submit an application. The relevant documents can be found here (link to documents).

  • Journal for Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German

    The Journal for Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (Zeitschrift für Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik, SLLD-Z) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, scientific Open Access journal. It publishes new theoretical and conceptual work, empirical studies and historically oriented research contributions on linguistic, literary and media acquisition and teaching processes in formal and informal educational contexts. These are supplemented by overview reports on individual fields of research and conference proceedings. The inclusion of interdisciplinary and international contributions as well as the openness towards different theoretical and methodological research traditions, will enable us to keep pace with scientific developments beyond German didactics.

  • GA2

    Kunstgeschichtliches Journal für studentische Forschung und Kritik
    Als erstes studentisch organisiertes Online Journal des kunstgeschichtlichen Institutes der Ruhr-Universität Bochum wagt GA2 den Schritt aus den Vorlesungsräumen in die Öffentlichkeit.


    The journal METALLA is an international, peer-reviewed, English-language archaeological and archaeometallurgical journal with clear acquisitions to archaeometry, conservation science to economic, mining and raw materials archaeology and economic history. The journal is published in printed form with two issues per year. It is one of the most renowned academic journals in this subject spectrum and combines the historical, archaeological and archaeometric scientific fields at the highest professional level. The contributions are strongly related to mining, the production, provenance and preservation of artefacts, their trade as well as the prospecting and processing of ancient geo-resources.

  • HARM – Journal of Hostility, Aggression, Repression and Malice

    HARM, the Journal of Hostility, Anger, Repression and Malice, is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, open access journal of the Hans Kilian and Lotte Köhler Center (KKC) for Cultural Psychology and Historical Anthropology at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.

    This newly established journal will serve as an international forum for the documentation and analysis of the manifold and complex facets that make up what is commonly associated with the concepts of violence and aggression. While these concepts are mainly regarded as central to sociology and psychology, the journal aims to broaden the scope of current discussion. It will thereby shed light on aspects that have been neglected so far, but that would significantly advance our understanding of acts of and discourses about HARM. The editors welcome relevant theoretical and empirical contributions from all scientific fields, for example, history, literature, and religious studies, media studies, the arts, biology, neuroscience, and psychoanalysis.

  • PeriodIcon

    periodICON is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to highlighting the visuality and materiality of periodic print media. The open access journal is open to research articles of any length and any methodological approach that treat these aspects as constitutive for meaning-making in periodicals of all origins and forms. Articles published in periodICON address texts in periodicals not as virtual entities, non-sensory, existing in a temporal and spatial void, but as sensory, concrete, tangible objects, used and experienced by reader-viewer-handlers.

  • ETHICS, ECONOMICS, LAW AND POLITICS – Online journal for interdisciplinary discussions on current societal issues

    ETHICS, ECONOMICS, LAW AND POLITICS is an interdisciplinary academic journal discussing relevant topics and problems of applied ethics in conjunction with economic, jurisprudential, and political science approaches and perspectives. The journal focuses on current debates and research on justice, morality, responsibility, dignity, rights, and self-determination in relation to socially relevant issues like globalisation, markets, climate change, welfare, migration, digitalisation.

  • Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien

    Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien (ZfM) (ISSN 2749-7429 ) aims to promote a sustainable Mediterranean perspective on historical and contemporary events and processes in the Mediterranean. As a Gold Open Access journal covering the spectrum of humanities, cultural and social sciences in all epochs of the Mediterraneum, it will make the results of national and international Mediterranean research freely accessible and reusable.

  • The International Newsletter of Communist Studies

    The International Newsletter of Communist Studies, existing since 1993, is an information bulletin and online journal dedicated to the various branches of historical and social sciences which are committed to the history of communist movements, ideas and regimes.

  • Moving the Social

    Moving the Social: Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements is an international, peer-reviewed journal rooted in the discipline of history, but with an explicit interest in work on social issues and social movements from other disciplines, particularly the social sciences, geography, anthropology and ethnology.
    It is particularly interested in promoting transnational and comparative perspectives on the history of social movements within a broader context of social history.
    The journal is currently published three times a year, with issues either on a specific theme or as a thematically mixed issue.
    Most issues also include a comprehensive review article, at least one of which each year covers the most recent publications in the field of social movement studies.

    All issues from 1977 onwards have been digitised and can be found online.

    P-ISSN: 2197-0386; E-ISSN: 2197-0394.

    Our journal has a 2011 European Science Foundation rating of INT2 (international with significant visibility) and is listed on and indexed by a variety of platforms and catalogues. We also publish information on the contents of the latest issue in different lists and newsletters.

  • Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft - Journal of the Linguistic Society of Germany


    The aim of the journal is to promote linguistic research by publishing high-quality contributions and thematic special issues from all fields and trends of modern linguistics. In addition to articles and reviews, the journal also features contributions to discussions on current controversies in the field as well as overview articles outlining the state-of-the art of relevant research paradigms.


    • General Linguistics
    • Language Typology
    • Language acquisition, language change and synchronic variation
    • Empirical linguistics: experimental and corpus-based research
    • Contributions to theory-building

    Article formats

    Research articles, reviews, forum articles

  • MARE NOSTRUM. Studentische Beiträge zur Mediterranistik

    MARE NOSTRUM is an interdisciplinary e-journal that publishes contributions by young researchers from all areas of scientific Mediterranean studies. In particular, it acts as a publication organ for student papers on the subject area "Mediterranean", which have emerged from thematically relevant courses at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In addition, the journal offers all interested students and scholars a platform for the presentation of their research projects or results which bear reference to the Mediterranean region.

  • Fremdsprachen und Hochschule

    The journal of the Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren an Hochschulen e.V.

    The journal Fremdsprachen und Hochschule (FuH) focuses on the theory and practice of foreign language teaching at universities and foreign language acquisition in general. FuH provides a publication forum for new questions and developments in language teaching and learning research, as well as applied linguistics in its entire spectrum, and is intended to facilitate information, communication and cooperation on concepts, developments and projects for the interests of the AKS and beyond.